Dental Crowns and Bridges
in Idaho Falls, ID

Restore your healthy, beautiful, and confident smile!

Are you hiding your smile due to damaged or missing teeth? Our team at Mountain West Dental can help. We are pleased to offer custom dental crowns and bridges to restore the strength and function of your teeth with natural-looking and feeling results. We use the latest technology and highest quality materials to deliver aesthetic, durable restorations for long-term healthy smiles. We invite you to contact our Idaho Falls office to get started today!

Dental crowns and bridges can restore the following:

  • Severely decayed or damaged teeth
  • Teeth with large or broken fillings
  • Weak, chipped, fractured, or broken teeth
  • Teeth that have undergone root canal treatment
  • Teeth that are worn due to grinding and clenching (bruxism)
  • Discolored, misshapen, or gapped teeth
  • One or several missing teeth

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are custom restorations that cover or "cap" weak or damaged teeth. They are typically used to restore the size, shape, strength, health, and overall appearance of teeth weakened by decay, damage, or trauma or those that have undergone root canal therapy. Dental crowns can replace missing teeth by covering dental implants or supporting dental bridges. They can also make cosmetic modifications, masking tooth flaws and imperfections.

At Mountain West Dental Care, we offer dental crowns in a variety of materials to address your unique needs and personal preferences. Our goal is to restore the health, function, and natural appearance of your teeth with long-lasting results.

What Are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are fixed restorations that "bridge" the gaps left by one or more neighboring teeth. They anchor to crowns placed on teeth or dental implants on either side of the space. At Mountain West Dental Care, we offer dental bridges made from the same quality materials we use to create our custom crowns, restoring the health, function, and natural appearance of your smile.

Step 1: For a dental crown, we will reshape the affected tooth to make room for your restoration. When it comes to a dental bridge, we will prepare the teeth adjacent to the gap to accommodate the crowns that will support your replacement teeth.

Step 2: We will take digital impressions of your teeth and place a temporary crown or bridge to protect the prepared tooth or teeth. A dental laboratory will fabricate your new restoration, ensuring a precise fit.

Step 3: We will secure your new permanent crown or bridge to your prepared teeth and make any needed adjustments for a comfortable bite. Your new restoration will look, feel, and function like natural teeth.

  • They Look Natural: Dental crowns and bridges are custom crafted to match your natural teeth, delivering seamless smiles.
  • They Restore Function: Our restorations are made to feel and function like natural teeth, allowing you to speak clearly and enjoy your favorite foods without pain or worry.
  • They Prevent Further Damage: A dental crown provides resilience comparable to natural tooth enamel, protecting the tooth structure and preventing further damage.
  • They Enhance Your Oral Health: Dental bridges keep the remaining teeth from drifting out of position, preventing future misalignment concerns.
  • They Are Durable: We create incredibly durable restorations using the latest technology and highest quality materials to deliver long-term healthy smiles.

Dental Crowns and Bridges Near Me in Idaho Falls, ID

Are you dealing with damaged or missing teeth? Our team at Mountain West Dental Care is here for you. Please call us at 208-538-0104 to schedule a consultation or book your appointment online today!

We proudly serve patients in Idaho Falls, Ammon, Rigby, Rexburg, Shelley, St. Anthony, Firth, Blackfoot, Roberts, Ucon, and the surrounding communities.

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